What would Ronnie say about Socialized(read Universal) Healthcare?

So, like many of you I have wished for someone as well spoken and as truly conservative to the core as Reagan was. What I would give to hear Ronald Reagan today speaking against what is going on in our government.

Oh wait.......watch this.....we CAN hear what Reagan had to say on this subject and on socialism in general. Take heed, this advice is what everyone needs to hear today......there is not anything outdated other than the costs.

Thank you President Reagan, we are ever hopeful that we as patriotic and conservative Americans can take back this country before it is completely run into the ground. But if we cannot, we will raise our great banner up out of the ashes upon the blood of patriots and tyrants if need be.

That is all


Jay21 said…
"Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem." Ronald Reagan January 20, 1981
Rhonda said…
I hope enough people speak with us about this issue. I'm with Jay. GoVERNMENT GO AWAY! We have enough!

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