Double Standards
I would find it amusing, if it was not so insulting, how our wonderful liberal media portray politicians. Why is it that under the perspective of party the same accomplishments or lack thereof will bring stark differences in coverage? What we have is a double standard. When the media sees a conservative they see bad decisions, mediocrity and blind stupidity. When they see liberals they see enlightened and educated scholars who can do no wrong. Think about these examples: (Thank you Andrew Wilkow ) If you have been serving for over 30 years in Washington: Conservative- You are what's wrong with Washington and we need new blood. Liberal - You have experience and provide leadership and example to Washington. If you are new to Washington with little experience in National politics: Conservative - You are too inexperienced to do any good and don't know the ins and outs of politics necessary to get anything done. Liberal - You are the fresh new face for "hope" and "ch...