Dril, Drill, Drill some more!

Yesterday Pres. Bush outlined his plan to lift the ban on new oil drilling. About Time! Sen. McCain has said he is in favor of this also. Since the policies of Jimmy Carter we have seen oil and consequently gas prices soar. We have seen the supply or oil limited because we cannot go after oil on our own soil or off our own coasts. We continue to restrict ourselves by dissallowing new refineries to top it off. I hope the American people will see through the hype and yell with a loud voice to allow more drilling, more refineries and less goverment control and interferance in the oil and gas industry. Typical of the Liberally left, thier response to Pres. Bush's plan was to say that drilling for oil 'may' help down the road(and they stress 'down' the road) but will do nothing to ease the burden of high gas prices now. I have heard however that with exisiting riggs, and known sites, we could have oil out of the ground and on the market in as little as 30 to 90 days. Drill already! People, call your congressmen, the web link to the left will give you the #'s you need. Call your local reps and demand that they allow the ban to be lifted. GET GOVERNMENT OUT OF OUR LIVES. Our government is supposed to exist to protect our rights that exist without them and not to grant us rights they wish us to have. We the people need to take control of OUR government and demand they act in OUR interests and not do what the select few (insert - enviromental extremists, liberal nazis, communists, socialists, fascists) would have done to this country.

There are many of us(AMERICANS) who are fed up with one or many of the taxes and/or controls the Federal govt. has laid upon our shoulders. We need to stop taking punches and act. WE the people keep giving more and more of the govt control to the extremists and crack-pots because we are busy making a living, raising our families, etc. But we are goint to leave our children with a bigger mess than any of our founding fathers had to deal with. This country which I love deeply is on the verge of spinning so far left it will take a another revolution to put everything right. There is a reason our Founders who framed our constitution gave us the checks and balance they did. No one wanted to creat anything so powerful that it could take away our individula God given rights. Yes I said God! God does exist and was a big factor in the founding of this country. Our rights are given to us by Him and the founders recognized this and created a govt to protect these God given rights.

In short, we have the right to drill anywhere we want. The oil companies here have the technology to do it effeciently and with the least possible environmental impacts. If demand is there, supply needs to increase. It really is that simple. The colonies broke ties with Britain for way less than this.


Hear, Hear! Why do we continually cut off our noses to spite our face? Just announcing to the world that we are going to start drilling will bring prices down. Let's stop sending our money to maniacs and despots that hate us and want to kill us.
ajwhet10 said…
Yes! What a novelty -- a simple and reasonable solution. We have become good at reacting and bad at prioritizing!
ajwhet10 said…
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ajwhet10 said…
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ajwhet10 said…
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ajwhet10 said…
Oh BOTHER! I don't even know how NOT to keep repeating the same little post! I'd better stick to just reading. Sorry about that!!

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