One Man, One Woman
There was not much for me to cheer about with Obama elected as my President. But there was another issue that I was following quite closely. In Arizona, we were attempting to add an amendment to our States Constitution forever defining marriage as between one man and one woman. California and Florida had similar propositions on their ballots.
This was not a party issue. This was a moral issue. Marriage IS defined in the bible. As well as the fact that homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of God. But this was not in any way tied to taking anything away from those who want partner rights or medical benefits for gay roommates. This was about keeping marriage as God intended. Between one man and one Woman.
I could not believe the amount of hostility by the opponents of this proposition. I had to replace signs frequently. There was one time when a neighbor told me my sign was in the street burning. I saw many signs defaced with a large NO over the Yes in Yes for 102: Yes for marriage. On Tuesday I set up many signs at the polling centers as well as many corners which had seen their signs taken prior. Several times that day I had to return to replace or stand back up most of the signs. Are these the actions of intellectually honest and rational people? I think not. I saw a couple of No on 102 signs. I felt no urge to tear down the sign. I did not light the sign on fire. So what possesses someone to become so embittered that they would steal someones sign or burn it, or even just knock it down?
Well, it passed, and I could not be happier about it. California and Florida also passed their constitutional amendments on Marriage. The reason it is so important to ammend the states constitution is that once it is in the State constitution, only the supreme court can rule on any suits launched by gay activists and it keeps activist judges from being able to legislate from their benches. The lunatic left have taken the White House but I think it will be harder than they think to institute some of the whacked out loony legislation they have planned.
Lets hope so anyway.
This was not a party issue. This was a moral issue. Marriage IS defined in the bible. As well as the fact that homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of God. But this was not in any way tied to taking anything away from those who want partner rights or medical benefits for gay roommates. This was about keeping marriage as God intended. Between one man and one Woman.
I could not believe the amount of hostility by the opponents of this proposition. I had to replace signs frequently. There was one time when a neighbor told me my sign was in the street burning. I saw many signs defaced with a large NO over the Yes in Yes for 102: Yes for marriage. On Tuesday I set up many signs at the polling centers as well as many corners which had seen their signs taken prior. Several times that day I had to return to replace or stand back up most of the signs. Are these the actions of intellectually honest and rational people? I think not. I saw a couple of No on 102 signs. I felt no urge to tear down the sign. I did not light the sign on fire. So what possesses someone to become so embittered that they would steal someones sign or burn it, or even just knock it down?
Well, it passed, and I could not be happier about it. California and Florida also passed their constitutional amendments on Marriage. The reason it is so important to ammend the states constitution is that once it is in the State constitution, only the supreme court can rule on any suits launched by gay activists and it keeps activist judges from being able to legislate from their benches. The lunatic left have taken the White House but I think it will be harder than they think to institute some of the whacked out loony legislation they have planned.
Lets hope so anyway.
I have R-E-S-P-E-C-T for a person with feelings that deviate from the "norm." I have even more respect for that person who admits they have a problem, and lives an upright life anyway. None of us are strangers to problems. And none of us are perfect. I don't expect everyone dealing with homosexual tendencies to deal with it perfectly. But I DO expect the people of this nation to be able to voice their opinion and for that opinion to be respected.